Sunday, January 22, 2006

Let's shed a little light on my extracurricular activities.

In the midst of all pontificating about politics and philosophy, it's understandably difficult to think of me for what I was trained at college to do: Make movies. Video. Digital Photograph, and as the character of that Image above demonstrates, Digital modelling and animation.

I will take some steps, at this point, to remedy this from time to time, now that I've found the means to do so. I hope this will serve two functions: give me an audience for my work, and give you an additional layer of meaning and enjoyment as a reader of this blog. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen,

I left a response for you on the "When Party Trumps Policy" Blog. Nice site here!

d.a.n said...

Nice art work.
Good writings too.
We need more people like yourself (especially about your age) that see things can be better. Congratulations for seeing things as well as you do, especially for your age.